A rare oversized Nazi photo publication on the three purpose-built elite Nazi leadership school or NS-Ordensburgen Vogelsang, Crossinsee and Sonthofen where carefully selected future political leaders of Nazi Germany were educated. |
GERMANY - THE OLYMPIC YEAR 1936 / DEUTSCHLAND OLYMPIA-JAHR 1936, a fine English language AND German language Nazi photo book highlighting ‘Hitler’s new Germany’ produced especially for tourists visiting the country for the 1936 Winter and Summer Olympic Games. |
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Das Ehrenkleid des Soldaten, a huge 4-½ pound hardcover cultural history of military uniforms from their beginnings to present times (1936), beautifully color illustrated by famous painter and illustrator Erich Döbrich of Berlin-Steglitz. |
A fine First Edition of Von den Karawanken bis Kreta, an OKW book about the German Wehrmacht advances during the 1941 Balkan campaign - great photo coverage of Nazi motorcycles, tanks, paratroopers and mountain troops in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, and of course, Crete, with 1941 DJ. |
to Protestant critics of his anti-Jewish bestseller “The Myth of the 20th Century”. |
the speedy September 1939 Nazi Wehrmacht invasion and historic victory in Poland called So siegte Großdeutschland. |
In Bild und Wort durch Böhmen und Mähren, a 1940 First Edition commemorative photo book for Nazi soldiers who participated in the German annexation of Bohemia and Moravia in 1939. |
Vorstoss nach Bosnien (Advance to Bosnia), an obscure illustrated hardcover Nazi book about the Wehrmacht invasion of Yugoslavia in April - May 1941 by the LI. Armeekorps or 51st Army Corps. |
An original 1939 example of Reden des Führers am Parteitag Grossdeutschland 1938 containing the text of the speeches Adolf Hitler gave during the 1938 Nazi Party Days in Nürnberg (the last Nazi Party Rally held during the Third Reich). |
Soldaten, ein Bildbuch vom neuen Heer, a fine glossy hardcover Nazi photo book showing the new German Army soldier in training - great photos of Wehrmacht equipment and field gear |
Saar This Land is German, a Nazi photo book for German youths about the ethnic German coal-mining Saar region before the January 1935 Saar plebiscite. |
Leistungskampf der deutsche Betriebe, a rare heavily illustrated Nazi publication highlighting the winning Model Industrial Companies of the 1936 DAF "Competition between German Industrial Enterprises". |
A heavily illustrated hardcover 1936 edition of the German photo book ‘People and Sun, Aryan Olympic Spirit’ by Hans Suren, the well-known pioneer of the German nudist movement. |
A fine 1939 commemorative RAD photo book purchased by an Arbeitsmann who had completed his 6 month stint in Arbeitsgau XXIX. Bayern-Ostmark. |
Arbeitsmänner zwischen Bug und Wolga, a 1942 Nazi book with experiences
and photos of young men of the RAD at work on the East Front. |
A 1942 First Edition of the Nationalsozialistisches Jahbuch or the NS yearbook, published by the NSDAP for Nazi Party members - heavily illustrated, complete. |
A rare book by Philipp Bouhler called Adolf Hitler - Das Werden einer Volksbewegung (Adolf Hitler - the Emergence of a Popular Movement). |
A fine 1941 Nazi photo book about the enormous accomplishments of courageous
OT Frontarbeiter, men of Organisation Todt working on the frontlines, side-by-side with the Wehrmacht - rare photo content. |
Die Piraten des Weltkrieges (The Pirates of the World War), an extremely unflattering anti-British propaganda book about how the English waged war at sea during WW1. |
Bollwerk im Westen or 'Stronghold in the West’, an illustrated 1938 Nazi book dedicated to the DAF men working on the Westwall or Siegfried Line produced to familiarize those workmen with the 'Land between the Rhine and Saar'. |
and rare photographs of Nazi Germany's defenses on its western border. |
War and Recovery in North Limburg 1940-1950, a commemorative photo book about World War II and its immediate aftermath in southern Holland - great photo content. |
Das Gesicht der Niederlande, a hardcover photo book by SS-Obersturmführer Leutheuser produced for Reichskommissar Seyss-Inquart and Nazi soldiers in the Netherlands showing the beauty of German occupied Holland. |
Das Jahr II, an original Nazi photo book highlighting the achievements by and
facts about National Socialist power in Nazi Germany in the year 1934. |
Rare illustrated Nazi book Hoch- und Deutschmeister - 700 Jahre Deutsches Soldatentum (Hoch and Deutschmeister - 700 Years of German Soldiering). |
Two Nazi books of patriotic and National Socialist poems and songs, The Flag of the Persecuted People and The Song of the Faithful, by Hitler Youth Leader Baldur von Schirach. |
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NSDAP illustrated wartime propaganda booklets: an exposé of British anti-German propaganda and soldiers of the DAK in North Africa. |
1942 Mussolini biography by Giorgio Pini translated into German. |
A fine reproduction of the rare Nazi book Die Hoheitszeichen des deutschen Reichs (the Sovereign Emblems of the German State) published for the State Ministry of the Interior in 1939, printed on high-quality archival paper. |
USMBOOKS.com has FIVE index pages of rare, original
Third Reich era German books for sale. This is page 3. |