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Die Nationale Revolution in Deutschland ein Gedenkbuch in Bildern, 1933
** SOLD **
Das General-Gouvernement, 1942 book for Dr. Hans Frank
An in-depth 400+ page illustrated 1942 Nazi book to inform the population
of the German homeland about the population and economic possibilities
in the Nazi occupied Polish territories - very anti-Jewish in tone.
Die neue Gemeinschaft - Das Parteiarchiv furr nationalsozialistische Feier- und Freizeitgestaltung, Maerz 1942
The March 1942 edition of Die neue Gemeinschaft or “The New Community”, a very
rare propaganda publication from the Main Culture Office of the Nazi Party,
dedicated completely to Adolf Hitler and containing suggestions for appropriate celebrations and programs for Hitler’s upcoming 53rd birthday
1939 Victory in Poland
"Victory in the East" by Friedrich Heiss, a rare 1940 Volk und Reich book about
the successful Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939, with gritty, up-close photos.
1937 Nazi concrete construction photo book, Neues Bauen in Eisenbeton
Neues Bauen in Eisenbeton, a fascinating 1937 Nazi photo book on modern
construction techniques using reinforced concrete - 200+ pages,
architectural drawings, in-depth statistics, tables and great photos.
Dorf des Friedens, 1936 Olympic Village Berlin
"Village of Peace", a rare heavily illustrated Third Reich guidebook to the
Olympic Village built by the Wehrmacht for the athletes who participated in
XI Olympic Games in Berlin in August 1936, with its original dust jacket
and the frequently missing fold-out map in the back.
Mann an der Fahne, Kameraden erzählen von Dr.Ley
Mann an der Fahne, Kameraden erzahlen von Dr.Ley, a fine 1938 photo biography
on Reichsorganisationsleiter Dr. Robert Ley with stories and experiences
shared by his comrades.
Allied Intrigue in the Low Countries, German Library of Information NY 1940
Allied Intrigue in the Low Countries, secret information about Allied military
alliances in the west prior to WW2 released by the German Foreign Office in
Berlin and published in English by the German Library of Information
in New York in 1940 - fascinating diplomatic history
An die Dunkelmänner unserer Zeit, Eine Antwort Auf Die Angriffe Gegen Den Mythus Des 20. Jahrhunderts
An die Dunkelmänner unserer Zeit (To the Dark Men of Our Times), Rosenberg's
answer to critics of his anti-Semitic bestseller “The Myth of the 20th Century”.
Basic Concepts, Ground Rules and Goals of the NSDAP, 1933
A 100% original 1933 publication covering the 'Basic Concepts, Ground
Rules and Goals of the NSDAP' by Alfred Rosenberg,
expanded with the Nazi agriculture program.
Hauptschulungsamt der NSDAP - Dr. Ley educational propaganda publications
Three original Hauptschulungsamt der NSDAP - Dr. Ley educational
propaganda publications (Confidential! For Service Use Only) about
Socialism, Holland and Belgium.
FRITZ TODT - der Mensch, der Ingenieur, der Nationalsozialist
A heavily illustrated 1943 First Edition of FRITZ TODT - der Mensch, der
Ingenieur, der Nationalsozialist
covering the life and work Nazi Armament and War Production Minister Todt who died in a plane crash and was buried with full Nazi honors after impressive funeral services in the New Reichschancellery in Berlin
Selbsthilfe vor und nach Bombenschäden, RLB 1944
Selbsthilfe vor und nach Bombenschäden, a very rare original 1944 self-help
booklet published by the Reichsluftschutzbund (RLB or National Air Raid
Protection League) for Allied air raid bombing victims.
Ewiges Deutschland, WHW 1942
A First Edition of Ewiges Deutschland (Eternal Germany), “A Book for the
German Home” dated 1942 with a foreword by Dr. Joseph Goebbels.
A fine linen hardcover published by the WHW with its original dust jacket.
Nazi Songbook NSDAP Gau Franken, Karl Holz introduction
Kameraden wir singen! a rare original Third Reich songbook put together
and published by the Propaganda Department of NSDAP Gau Franken,
with an introduction by Gauleiter Karl Holz.
Dr. Robert Ley, Wir alle helfen dem Führer
A 1937 Nazi book by Reichsleiter Dr. Ley about the obligation of every German
citizen to help Adolf Hitler and participate in the movement to make
Germany a better country.
anti-English Nazi propaganda book, Is God English?
Is God an Englishman?, a 1940 Nazi book written by a Protestant German
theologian highlighting the hypocritical British mis-use of religion to achieve
national, international and economic goals no matter what the cost.
With original order form, advertising and press reviews.
England und die Buren (England and the Boers) by Stefan Schroeder
England und die Buren (England and the Boers), number 6 from the
anti-British propaganda book series “England Unmasked” from 1940.
Englands Gewaltherrschaft in Irland (England’s Tyranny in Ireland)
Englands Gewaltherrschaft in Irland (England’s Tyranny in Ireland), number 5 from
the anti-British propaganda book series “England Unmasked” from 1940.
Zur Geschichte der Niederlande, S. van Steenoord
Zur Geschichte der Niederlande, the National-Socialist view of the Netherlands
published in German occupied Holland in 1941, very anti-Jewish in tone.
Nazi paratrooper book SOLDATEN FALLEN VOM HIMMEL
The Nazi photo book Soldaten fallen vom Himmel about the training and action of
Luftwaffe paratroopers, written by a Fallschirmjäger Battalion Commander
- superb photo content.
Ueber Schlachtfelder vorwarts! Mit dem Siegreichen Heer durch Frankreich 1940
'Onwards Across the Battlefields - with the Victorious Army through France
in 1940', a realistic impression of the war in France in 1940 by
Oberstleutnant Dr. Kurt Hesse with photos and the rare 46 map supplement.
A commemorative photo book highlighting the first year of the X. Armeekorps (10th Army Corps). Great photo content of Nazi Generals, Gauleiters, maneuvers, vehicles, soldier life, artillery practice, communication and machine gun troops, cavalry men, etc. 
Das Heim im Reicsarbeitsdienst, 1937
A fairly unknown 1937 hardcover photo book showing the high-quality housing
for the men serving in the Reichsarbeitsdienst or Nazi State Labor Service.
Der Arbeitskamerad Jahrbuch der Werktatigen Jugend 1941/1942
The Teammate, Yearbook of the Working Youth 1941 / 1942, an interesting,
informative illustrated Nazi book produced to help young people decide
what kind of career to chose after finishing high school.
Reichsparteitag 1937 guidebook
Reichsparteitag 1937 Nürnberg 6-13 September, the official guidebook to the
1937 Nazi Party Days containing all pertinent information for visitors.
NSDAP Gau Franken photo book Weismantel, Wolff
"Quiet Corners in Franconia", a Third Reich book with fine photos of NSDAP
Gau Franken
by Dr. Paul Wolff, a prominent German photographer 
and one of the first to adopt the Leica camera.
1941 Feldpostausgabe Der Kilometerstein
A 1941 Feldpost edition of the Nazi soldier songbook "The Kilometer Marker"
with original color dust jacket.  Marching songs, military life songs, barracks
songs and festive evening songs, all accompanied by funny illustrations.
Ruhm und Fall der Maginot-Linie
An unusual 1942 Nazi photo book about the shortcomings of the French Maginot Line fortifications written by a Czech General and published in German in Prague.
Flak Italy 1943
Heavily illustrated Nazi magazine to boost the morale of the men of the Flak
Battalion 809 (part of Luftgau VII) during the lonley holiday season of 1943 in Italy.
SS dedication
TWO Nazi era books on World War II in Finland, one with a rare dedication
from a SS-Oberscharführer to a SS-Hauptscharfüher dated 27 April 1944.
Nazi Panzer
Deutsche Panzer durchbrechen den Korridor (German Tanks break through
the Corridor), an original illustrated Third Reich book for young German boys.
USMBOOKS.com has FIVE index pages of rare, original
Third Reich era German books for sale.
This is page 5.