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Nazi technical aviation manuals 1944 + 1945
A lot of three rare late World War II Lehrbücher der Luftwaffe, heavily illustrated
technical manuals from the Technische Grundlehrbücher series produced for
German airplane painters, mechanics, assemblers and repairmen in 1944 and 1945.
1941 Handbuch fuer Kraftfahrer
** SOLD **
Handbuch der Fliegerwetterkunde Band III, Die Messgeräte des Wetterdienstes, Ministerialrat Dr. Richard Habermehl
A beautifully illustrated 1939 'Weather Science' handbook for Luftwaffe pilots,
meteorologists and aviation technicians with information assembled by
meteorologist Dr. Habermehl, Head of the Nazi State Department for
Weather Service which was part of the Nazi Air Ministry in Berlin.
Meine Kriegsdienstzeit (My War Time Service)
Meine Kriegsdienstzeit, a beautiful commemorative hardcover album-type book with a linen spine produced so Wehrmacht soldiers could enter, and then later on remember
and commemorate specific details about their World War II military service.
Soldier German dictionary
Original December 1934 illustrated advertising for the new 'Soldier German'
dictionary, a funny book for WWI veterans “not appropriate for young girls
but harmless in any library”
, according to the publisher. Approved by the
Nazi State Agency for the Advancement of German Literature!
Militärwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen 1942
A huge lot of rare well-illustrated 1942 Nazi military policy and military science magazines written by and for members of the Wehrmacht with World War II military analysis, tactics and strategy, weapons, reports from the battlefield by eyewitnesses, the war economy, historical perspectives and army data - with rare Index.
Militärwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen 1943
A lot of seven rare 1943 Nazi military policy and military science magazines written by and for members of the Wehrmacht with World War II military analysis, tactics and strategy, weapons, reports from the battlefield by eyewitnesses, the war economy, historical perspectives and army data - with rare Index.
Militärwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen June, August and September 1944
Three rare 1944 Nazi military policy and military science magazines written by and for members of the Wehrmacht with WW2 military analysis, tactics and strategy, weapons, eyewitness reports from the battlefield, the war economy, historical perspectives and army data, etc. Includes the last issue ever published!
1942 Nazi OKW color map of the USA and Central America
An original color map of the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central
America published by the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) in 1942.
Schlag nach über den Nahen Osten, 1941
Schlag nach über den Nahen Osten, a 42-page publication and matching color map
of the Near East published for the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) in 1941.
Schlag nach über den Sowjetunion, Die Ukraine und das Baltenland
Schlag nach über den Sowjetunion, Die Ukraine und das Baltenland, 1941 publications about the Soviet Union, Ukraine and the Baltic countries published for the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) with a color map of the Soviet Union.
Die Gliederungen der Deutschen Wehrmacht, Dr. Jur. Helmut Paetzold
The in-depth 1937 Nazi book Die Gliederungen der Deutschen Wehrmacht,
explaining the organization and leadership of the Nazi Army, Navy and Air Force.
Abzeichen und Uniformen des Heeres, Heinz Denckler
Abzeichen und Uniformen des Heeres (Badges and Uniforms of the Army), a heavily illustrated 1942 Nazi book on Wehrmacht badges, uniforms and uniform accessories.
1938 Wehrmacht Nachschub-Fibel
A fine 1938 Nazi Wehrmacht manual called the Nachschub-Fibel (Wehrmacht
Supply Train Manual), a heavily illustrated Second Expanded Edition
from 1938 complete with the original fold-out charts.
WW2 Nazi U-Boot book Was jeder vom deutscher U-Boot wissen muß
“What everybody should know about the German Submarine” by Korvettenkapitän
Max Bartsch, an interesting illustrated Third Reich World War II book explaining
the ins- and outs of a Nazi U-Boot and service onboard an Untersee Boot.
Notek Betriebs- und Einbauvorschrift Kraftfahrzeug-Nachtmarschgerät
A very rare, 100% original Third Reich vehicle black-out light installation
and operating instruction manual, in-depth and nicely illustrated.
Schematische Darstellungen zur Feldverwaltungsvorschrift
A very rare April 1944 publication for Wehrmacht Paymasters in the Field
called Schematic Representations of Field Administration Regulations written by
Staff Paymaster Röstermundt of the German Army Administration School
in Munich. Interesting in-depth information showing the logistics involved
in having Wehrmacht troops spread out over the European continent.
Karten- und Gelaendekunde, Heinz Denckler Verlag Berlin
Karten- und Geländekunde, an illustrated Third Reich educational publication
about Maps and Topography for both military and civilian use.
Die Wehrmacht Italiens 1940, Hermann Meyer-Ricks
Die Wehrmacht Italiens by Hermann Meyer-Ricks, a rare 1940 Nazi publication
about the Italian Armed Forces of Benito Mussolini, with great photo content.
Die Neue Feldpost, Nazi re-enactor and collector magazine
A lot of 14 issues of Die Neue Feldpost, a heavily illustrated English language
publication about the common German Landser or soldier published
for re-enactors and collectors of German WW2 militaria.
1941 Feldpostausgabe Der Kilometerstein
A 1941 Feldpost edition of the Nazi soldier songbook "The Kilometer Marker"
with original color dust jacket.  Marching songs, military life songs, barracks
songs and festive evening songs, all accompanied by funny illustrations.
Die Flotten von England und Frankreich
Die Flotten von England und Frankreich, a 1940 Nazi book on the World War II
naval fleets of England, France and other countries, noting ships sunk.
1940 Nazi Anti-Tank Company training manual
An illustrated 1940 Nazi Anti-Tank Company training manual by Oberleutnant
Ewald Hohmann called Geschütz- und Zugaufgaben der Panzerjägerkompanie.
Waffenhefte des Heeres Schnelle Truppen Teil II
A heavily illustrated mid-war promotional publication by the Oberkommando
des Heeres
with useful information for future Riflemen, Motorcycle
Riflemen, Armored Recon Troops, Bicyclists and Horsemen
Die Pioniere, WW2 OKH publication
A heavily illustrated mid-war promotional publication by the Oberkommando
des Heeres
with background information about what Pioniere or
combat engineers do in the Wehrmacht
An original, heavily illustrated updated 1941 edition of the Reibert handbook for
soldiers called Der Dienstunterricht im Heere Ausgabe für den Nachrichtensoldaten.
1943 Sprachführer der Berufe
Two original 1943 Technical Dictionaries for people working in the chemical
and machine manufacturing industries,  German-Russian,
Russian pronunciation and the Russian alphabet.
1939 Nazi Fireman Training Booklet
Original illustrated 1939 fireman training manuals authorized by SS-General
and Head of the Nazi Ordnungspolizei Kurt Daluege - Part B and E.
Das Gewehr 98 Waffentafel
Three Third Reich educational manuals for Hitler-Soldaten called Das Gewehr 98,
"Leading and Following" and the "Most Important Weapons of the Infantry".
Walther PPK
A fine reprint of the incredibly rare Ausbildungs-Vorschrift für die Politischen
Leiter der NSDAP Ausbildung mit der Pistole
, or Instructional Regulations
for the Political Leaders of the Nazi Party Regarding the Pistol.